Band Benchmarks
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Body Percussion/ Instruments
Not observed or no participation. Does not use instruments OR body percussion to effectively communicate, collaborate with a group, and produce a musical product.
Minimal observation and participation. Infrequently uses instruments OR body percussion to effectively communicate, minimal collaborate with a group, and produce a musical product.
Frequent observation and participation. Uses instruments OR body percussion to effectively communicate, collaborate with a group, and produce a musical product.
Frequent observation and participation. Uses instruments AND body percussion to effectively communicate, collaborate with a group, and produce a musical product.
Creates music and movement
Not observed or no participation. Has not created music and movement. No critical thinking to improvise OR compose through a collaborative and flexible process.
Some observation or participation. Creates music and movement using some critical thinking to improvise OR compose. No collaboration
Observed and participation. Creates music and movement using critical thinking to improvise OR compose through a collaborative and flexible process.
Frequent observation and participation. Creates music and movement using critical thinking to improvise AND compose through a collaborative and flexible process.
Literacy and notating
Does not demonstrate literacy by reading and notating music.
Demonstrates minimal literacy. Often reads and notates music incorrectly, but some right notes, Frequently misses key signatures. Infrequently corrects their own mistakes with out prompting.
Demonstrates literacy by reading and notating music. Some mistakes, but often will be able to correct them on their own
Demonstrates literacy by reading and notating music fluently
Listens, responds, describes, analyzes and evaluates music
Does not listen, respond, describe, analyze or evaluate music
Does Listen, respond, describe music infrequently. Gives short declarative statements or incomplete thoughts and answers.
Does Listens, responds, describes, analyzes and evaluates music. Gives thought out responses and begins to analyze and evaluates music with prompting
Listens, responds, describes, analyzes and evaluates music. Gives thought answers and responses. Analyzes and evaluates music without prompting

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