Chorus Participation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will have their folder and a pencil and be in their seats before warm ups start
The student never has their folder or a pencil and is wandering the room before warm ups start.
The student will sometimes have their folder and a pencil and be in their chair before warm ups start.
The student may have to be reminded to get their folder out but they are in their chair and ready for warm ups.
The student always has their folder and a pencil and is sitting in their chair quietly waiting for warm ups to begin.
Students will sing in their section every time they are asked to.
The student is never singing when they are supposed to be. The student has to be constantly asked to join in with everyone else.
The student sings with the rest of their section, but sometimes has to be repeatedly reminded to join in.
The student sings with the rest of their section but sometimes needs to be reminded to join in. They usually only need to be reminded once.
The student always sings with their section and never has to be reminded to join in.
Students will not talk during the actual rehearsal of music.
The student is always talking when the teacher is teaching music.
The student is sometimes talking during instruction of new music. Student will only stop after repeated instructions to stop and focus.
The student only talks once in awhile during instruction. And either stops on their own or only needs one reminder to refocus.
The student is never talking during music instruction.
Student's behavior will not cause any disruption to the rehearsal.
The student constantly on a daily basis interrupts rehearsal because they are behaving inappropriately. Their behavior may result in write ups and phone calls home.
The student interrupts rehearsal but quickly fixes their behavior and doesn't interrupt again. Their disruptions are not a daily occurrence.
The student may cause a minor disruption that is remedied quickly with little to no teacher intervention.
The student never interrupts rehearsal due to their behavior. They set an example for the rest of the group.
Students are present and on time to every rehearsal.
The student is late to every rehearsal and misses 90% of class time a marking period.
The student is sometimes late to a rehearsal and misses 50% of class time a marking period.
The student is rarely late to rehearsal and misses 25% of class time a marking period.
The student is never late to rehearsal and misses no more than 10% of class time a marking period.

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