Culminating Recording
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Song Speed: How close has the student gotten to playing the song at the correct tempo?
Poor: The student has slowed the tempo down considerably in order to play the piece.
Satisfactory: The student has slowed the tempo noticeably in order to play the piece.
Good: The student has slowed the tempo slightly in order to play the piece.
Excellent: The student has played the piece at the correct tempo.
Arpeggios: Has well has the student picked through the arpeggios of their chosen piece.
Poorly: The student has made many mistakes with their picking hand attempting the arpeggios.
Satisfactory: The student has made some mistakes with their picking hand attempting the arpeggios.
Good: The student has made few mistakes with their picking hand attempting the arpeggios.
Excellent: The student has made no mistakes with their picking while attempting the arpeggios.
Fretting Chords: How well has the student fretted the chords of the piece.
Poorly: The student has many notes of many chords that are not sounded clearly.
Satisfactory: The student has some notes of the chords not sounding clearly.
Good: The student has few notes of the chords not sounding clearly.
Excellent: All the notes of the chords are clearly and consistently played.
Changing Chords: How well has the student changed chords?
Poorly: Many chord changes cause the student to change the tempo and/or not sound all the notes of the chord they changed to.
Satisfactory: Some chord changes cause the student to change the tempo of the song and/or not sound some of the notes of the chord they changed to.
Good: Few of the chords cause the player to change the tempo of the song and/or not sound few of the notes of the chord changed to.
Excellent: All chord changes are executed cleanly and with precision.
Bonuses: Has the student added any extra touches to their recording?
None. Zero percent increase.
Few: Three percent increase.
Some: Five percent increase.
Many: Ten percent increase.

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