Musical History
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Project Quality and Completion
Your project is incomplete and/or was not turned in at all
You had many errors in your presentations and it was event that were not an expert on your topic
You completed the assignment and met all requirements
You displayed your best quality work and turned in the assignment with little or no errors by the Due Date: May 12,2015
Staying on Task and Progression
You made no progress whatsoever as the weeks went by.
You were completely off task and clueless about your topic.
You associated with others, but still managed to make progression.
You focused and completed your assigned tasks.
Each week you were not proactive and instead of researching your topic you remained off task
It is evident that you need more information
You had a copious amount of research about your topic. You were able to answer various questions and respond to various comments.
You have more than enough facts, knowledge, information about your topic. As the weeks went by you researched more and more.
You started but did not complete the PowerPoint, therefore you were unable to present.
All 10 slides were not complete and had very little information.
All slides were complete and in order. Your presentation was polished and you were not distracted by others. You did what was expected to be done.
You PowerPoint Presentation is informative and free of grammatical errors including but not limited to: spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Teacher Comments:


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