Music for Screen & Stage Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Question One: Demonstration of understanding of the role of the composer in the context of a production team in both musical theater and film.
Mind maps and/or written piece were incomplete or lacking detail. Structure or presentation was such that information was not clearly represented.
The mind maps were presented in a way that was understandable and were both complete, however either one of the mind maps or the written accompaniment did not cover the necessary points of information requested in the assessment sheet.
Both mind maps and written accompaniment were complete and clear and covered all basic information, but some material was lacking detail had not been fully explained.
Both mind maps were detailed and demonstrated an understanding of the responsibilities of the composer in both contexts, their relationships with other team members, and the timeline/process they have to undertake in order to compose for the project.
Question 2: Demonstrate the ability to discuss works referring to the use of elements and compositional devices to structure your analysis of the Harry Potter film (and annotated video).
Either the annotated video excerpt or the written analysis was not fully completed or lacked reference to any compositional devices or elements of music. A total lack of use of appropriate musical terminology.
The question has been fully attempted but without enough reference to the elements and/or compositional devices. An inconsistent use of appropriate musical terminology or lack of clarity of argument.
The student has referred to enough of the musical elements and compositional devices and used appropriate musical terminology most of the time. Appropriate musical excerpts have been selected for discussion but the argument made could be improved, or leave of detail increased.
Student selected appropriate moments in the film to annotate and used the table analysis to successfully demonstrate how music was used to create emotion. Written element demonstrates high-level analysis skills and ability to use musical examples to make an argument about how music has been used. Appropriate musical terminology used throughout.
Question 3: Demonstrate your ability to discuss (with reference again to elements and devices) how music was used in West Side Story to interrelate with nonmusical elements to aid in storytelling.
The question was not fully completed, there was a lack of musical terminology and/or the student has not demonstrated the ability to discuss the use of devices and elements in the piece.
Student has successfully discussed the use of some the musical elements or devices but has not demonstrated any discussion of interrelation with nonmusical elements or storytelling devices. Appropriate musical terminology not used consistently.
The student has covered all necessary musical elements and devices and consistently used appropriate musical terminology but has not fully explored interrelation with nonmusical elements or story telling.
The student has used appropriate musical terminology to discuss examples in the score of where music is used in combination with nonmusical elements to aid story telling. An advanced and well synthesized analysis of the songs.
Question 4: Demonstrate your understanding of creative processes used by composers to meet a film brief by preparing a proposal for a hypothetical horror movie scene.
Work is incomplete - student has not used any appropriate musical terminology or reference to the elements of music or compositional devices in order to describe how the work would sound or any discussion or possible creative process.
The student has given a basic, skeleton overview of a potential creative process and/or the sound of the piece they would create, but has used inconsistent musical terminology and not referred to the mandated number of elements and devices.
Student has described a clear and sensible process for how they would approach the brief and also used appropriate language and reference to the right number of elements and devices to describe the work they would create. Proposal is succinct and musically appropriate.
Student has produced a detailed, creative and innovative proposal that shows a deep understanding of the role of a composer for film and an understanding of how to appropriately use the elements and devices to your advantage.

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