Program Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Singing Ability
Students can match pitch.
Students sing on pitch, with a healthy tone.
Students can sing on pitch, with a healthy tone, and are able to sing piano, mezzo-piano and forte.
Students sing for extended rehearsals, can employ dynamics, and sing with joy and confidence.
Libretto Creation
Students understand the basic ideas of stories having a beginning, middle, and end.
Students can identify the setting, characters, and problem of their story.
Students can generate ideas of how to move the story forward and write dialog for the characters.
Students generate age-appropriate, logical, engaging dialogue and can analyze and edit their work.
Composing Ability
Students understand the basic elements of music: melody, rhythm, dynamics.
With guidance, students can generate basic melodic lines, rhythms, and suggest dynamics for a line of text.
Students can independently generate melodic lines, rhythms, and suggest dynamics for a line of text.
Students independently generate melodic lines, rhythms, and dynamics for a line of text which reflect the mood and meaning of the words.
Performing Abilities
Students willing participate in singing, acting, dancing, etc.
Students show a basic understanding of the elements of performing (projecting their voice, facing the audience, etc.)
Students project their voices, sing with enthusiasm, and move about the stage with ease, while remembering the songs and dialog.
Students sing well, act with conviction, and project joy and confidence in the process.
Ability to Work as a Team Member
Student is respectful but does not always participate.
Student is respectful and regularly participates in the process of writing, composing, and listening to their classmates.
Student is respectful to their classmates, participates in all processes and is able to reflect upon and articulate ways to improve the process and product.
Student encourages their classmates and shows leadership and maturity in their interactions during the process.

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This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com