Badminton Skills

Title: ____________________________

Proper grip on the racket
The student does not have proper grip on the racket, instead holding it like they would a frying pan (frying pan grip.) When corrected, the student continues to hold it the wrong way.
The student still is gripping the racket incorrectly. Whe corrected, the student attempts at holding it the right way.
The student has either proper forehand or backhand grip. (Forehand: Held as if firmly shaking a person's hand. A 'V' is formed with thumb and index finger) (Backhand: Forehand grip but turn racket anticlockwise)
The student has proper forehand and backhand grip.
Able to properly serve the ball.
The student isn't able to properly serve the ball. They just whack it all over the place.
Student attempts to preform a high serve with a moderate sucess rate.
Student sucessfully can complete a high serve and the shuttlecock ends up in bounds on the opponents back court.
Not only can the student sucessfully complete a high serve, but they show that they can preform a low serve (shuttlecock hits front of opponents court) Flick serve (flicking the shuttlecock to the back of the court with your wrist) and/or drive serve (an attack serve where the shuttlecock stays at a reletivly straight line and goes accross to the opponents court.)
The student doesn't even know that there is such a thing as footwork in badminton. They trip over their own two feet, as if they only had two lefts.
The student shows a basic level of balence and is able to reach the shuttle before it hits the ground.
The student has some degree of balence and can reach the shutte in a reletive ammount of time. If playing doubles, the student is aware of where his/her partner is.
The student has good balence. The student can reach the shuttle in no time at all. If playing doubles, student is mindfull as to where is partner is.
The stundent is a lazy butt and has no endurance what so ever. They hit the shuttle, but are out of breath after a short while.
A slight improvement over level one. The student has endurance somewhat but could make improvements. The student can complete a few volleys but is winded fairly quickly.
The student is in decent shape. They can keep up their endurance for much longer and can sucessfully volley. The student takes a long while to get tired.
The student could keep going for hours! THey sucessfully can volley for a long time and are full of energy.
The ability to preform clears (One of the most important and common strokes)
Student doesn't know what a clear is. They have improper stroke technique.
The student understands that a clear is used to gain time by sending the opponent to the back of the court and create a space in the front. The student doesn't possess a proper stroke technique, but they do the best they can.
The student can preform either an attack clear or a defensive clear. The student has proper stroke technique but their motions aren't fluid.
The student can preform an attack clear and defence clear with proper technique. Their motions are fluid.

Teacher Reflection :




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