Overhand Throw (Baseball style)

Title: ____________________________

The student steps with the correct foot pointed towards set target.
Student steps with same foot as throwing hand.
Student steps with opposite foot most of the time but not towards indended target.
Student steps with opposite foot all of the time but doesn't always point opposite foot towards intended target.
Student steps with opposite foot pointed towards the indended target everytime.
The student is able to get their upper body into proper throwing position.
Both arms not set in a 90 degree angle or "goalpost". Throwing hand not turned toward inside
Only the throwing arm is at a 90 degree angle overhead. Wrist is not turned inside.
Both arms are at a 90 degee angle most of the time. Wrist is turned towards the inside inconsistently.
Both arms are at a 90 degee angle all of the time. The wrist is turned in ready to release the ball.
The student is able to grip the ball properly.
Student squeezes ball tightly with all five finger pads.
Student loosens grip slightly but still has all five fingers on the ball.
Student has a more comfortable, loose grip on the ball with only three fingers on the ball most of the time.
Student consistently shows a comfortable, loose grip on the ball with three fingers on the ball all of the time.
The student releases the ball still maintaining proper technique with a strong degree of accuracy.
Student releases the ball on same side of body and shows little accuracy of hitting intended target. (2 out of 10)
Student releases ball on opposite side of body but still shows inconsistency with accuracy of hitting intended target (4 out of 10)
Student releases the ball on opposite side of body, pointing their arm towards target and is able to hit target at least 6 out of 10 times.
Student releases ball on opposite side of body all of the time, pointing their arm towards target and is able to hit target at least 8 out of 10 times.

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