Name: ________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Title: ____________________________

Passing and receiving
Has difficulty passing with instep or side foot cannot control ball after receiving
Passes and receives with inside foot other foot is somewhere close to the ball pointing forward receives the ball with another part than the inside foot with low technical skills
Passes and receives with inside and outside of foot can make transition from dribbling or receiving to passing, but is not fluent yet can only receive softly thrown low balls
Passes with both feet, both inside and outside pass is one fluent movement after dribbling or receiving the ball receives and controls normally passed balls receives with all sides of foot and can then dribble in fluid movement
Soccer Dribbling
Fails to use any technique to dribble
Uses only one technique at a slow pace let's the ball go too far from the body to control it
Uses just inside/outside or left/right foot at a slow to medium pace uses only one dribble style in every situation sometimes lets the ball go too far away sometimes loses control of the ball by playing too far forward
Uses inside/outside and left/right foot at a medium to high pace uses one dribble form at a fast pace combines dribble style according to the situation keeps ball always close to body
soccer positions
Does not understand the game and discipline of position tends to stay in the same place on the field
Sees some of the open spaces and moves to them in order to receive the ball but tends to be reactive lacks discipline of position
Sees open spaces on the field and is fairly disciplined in terms of position
Sees open spaces on the field and moves to them in order to receive the ball creates space on the field by keeping the right distance from team mates coaches and helps other students to get in the right positions maintains discipline of position at all times
soccer team work/fair play
Plays alone and fails to pass to others; unwilingness to work with others
Plays mostly alone or doesn't want to share the ball excludes team mates from playing because of their skills and/or limitations needs supervision to follow soccer rules
Plays well together with his peers on the team recognizes everybody's skills and limitations consistently follows the soccer rules
Makes sure everybody in the team gets the opportunity to play and contribute recognizes everybody's skills and limitations follows all soccer rules
soccer warmup/cool-down/stretch
Takes too much time finding a ball for warmup never uses tricks or touch-step dribbles warms up in a slow pace fails to adhere to the cool-down rarely stretches all muscles
Occasionally uses tricks as part of his warmup frequently stops while dribbling as part of warmup and occasionally touch-step dribbles lethargic in cool-down occasionally stretches all muscles
Consistently uses tricks in his warmup although with little variation dribbles at a consistent pace usually stretches all muscles in warmup focused and consistent during cool-down
Dribbles at a high pace with good variation always uses tricks as part of his warmup always stretches his muscles adheres to all aspects of cool-down with vigour and maturity

Teacher Reflection :




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