
Title: ____________________________

Dribbling the Soccer Ball
- able to dribble the ball using both feet equally - able dribble the ball in a straight line
- able to get eyes on ball while dribbling and being aware of the situation around - able to start using toe, outside, and inside of your foot.
- can keep ball 1 or 2 feet in front of your feet - Use both feet for far dribbling - keeping arms free to have total balance
- Tapping ball lightly below center - Using both feet far dribbling - Keeping the ball 1 or 2 feet in front of your feet - Keep the arms free for balance - Focusing the eyes on the ball while knowing the awareness of the total situation - Using the inside of foot, outside of foot, or toe
Shooting to soccer ball
- Able to aim at the target such as the net - Able to dribble the ball to a reasonable distance to shoot the ball
- Using your feet to kick the ball at the center with an instep - Able to keep eyes on the ball and arms free for balance
- Placing non kicking foot besides the soccer ball getting prepared for kick - Follow through with direction of the kick - able to kick with either foot
- Using your feet to kick the ball at the center with an instep - able to focus eyes on the ball and keeping arms free for balance - able to kick ball with either foot - able to follow through with direction of the kick - Placing non kicking foot besides the soccer ball getting prepared for kick
Passing the Soccer Ball
- Able to keep dribble direction of the ball in a straight line - able to pass in the direction meant too
- able point the toe of the kicking foot up and out with the ankle locked for a pass using the inside or outside of the foot - able to keep eyes on the ball - follow through of the direction of the pass
- able to point the toe of the kicking foot up and out with the ankle locked for a pass using the inside of the foot - able to point the toe of the kicking foot down and in with the ankle locked for a pass using the outside of the foot - able to point the toes of the kicking foot straight down for a pass using the instep of the foot
- Able to keep dribble direction of the ball in a straight line - able to pass in the direction meant too - able point the toe of the kicking foot up and out with the ankle locked for a pass using the inside or outside of the foot - able to keep eyes on the ball - follow through of the direction of the pass - able to point the toe of the kicking foot up and out with the ankle locked for a pass using the inside of the foot - able to point the toe of the kicking foot down and in with the ankle locked for a pass using the outside of the foot - able to point the toes of the kicking foot straight down for a pass using the instep of the foot
Trapping/ Stopping the Soccer ball
- able to align the body with oncoming ball. - able to focus eyes on ball - able to cushion the soccer ball to get control
- able to stop the soccer ball by lowering the foot on top of the ball
- able to stop and get control over air balls by allowing them to hit the,chest or thigh and letting the body absorb the force of impact
- able to align the body with oncoming ball. - able to focus eyes on ball - able to cushion the soccer ball to get control - able to stop the soccer ball by lowering the foot on top of the ball - able to stop and get control over air balls by allowing them to hit the,chest or thigh and letting the body absorb the force of impact
Knows about Game rules, and how to play.
- player knows the rules and player positions - knows how to shoot, dribble, pass, and stop incoming soccer ball
- knows different types of kicks - knows what offense and defense is
- knows what to do in different types of situations - knows what kicks to use in the different types of situations - plays by all the rules
- plays by all the rules - knows how to dribble, pass, shoot and stop incoming soccer balls - knows what offense and defense are knows the different positions - knows all the rules of the game and how to play

Teacher Reflection :




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