Sports of Mexico, Newspaper Article

Title: ____________________________

List 4 websites you used to research your chosen Mexican sport.
You list 1 website related to your chosen sport.
You list 2 websites related to your chosen sport.
You list 3 websites related to your chosen sport.
You list 4 websites related to your chosen sport.
Write a 2 page single spaced newspaper article on your chosen Mexican sport.
You write at least half a single spaced page newspaper article on your chosen sport with an introduction and a conclusion.
You write at least one single spaced page newspaper article on your chosen sport with an introduction, a body with at least 3 details and a conclusion.
You write at least a one and a half single spaced page newspaper article on your chosen sport with an introduction, a body with at least 5 details and a conclusion.
You write at least a two page single spaced newspaper article on your chosen sport with an introduction, a body with at least 7 details and a conclusion.
Work with your group and plan a 6 minute oral presentation that includes information on each student's chosen sport.
Give an oral presentation of at least 2 minutes that includes at least 1 details from each person's newspaper article.
Give an oral presentation of at least 3 minutes that includes at least 1 details from each person's newspaper article.
Give an oral presentation of at least 5 minutes that includes at least 3 details from each person's newspaper article.
Give an oral presentation of at least 6 minutes that includes at least 4 details from each person's newspaper article.

Teacher Reflection :




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