Warm-Up Notebook

Title: ____________________________

Missing Warm-Ups
Four or more warm-ups are missing.
Three warm-ups are missing.
One or two warm-ups are missing.
No warm-ups are missing
Completion of Left and Right Hand Side of Pages.
Four or more warm-ups are missing completion of both right and left hand sides.
Three warm-ups are missing completion of both right and left hand sides.
One or two warm-ups are missing completion of both right and left hand sides.
All right and left hand sides are completed.
Demonstrates Knowledge
Responses show a complete lack of understanding for problems.
Responses show some understanding of problems.
Shows substantial understanding of the problems, ideas, and processes.
Shows complete understanding of the mathematical ideas, and processes.
More than four warm-ups are not in chronological order.
Three or four warm-ups are not in chronological order.
One or two warm-ups are not in chronological order.
All warm-ups are in chronological order.
Overall notebook is unkept and very disorganized.
Overall notebook is kept below satisfactory condition.
Overall notebook is kept in satisfactory condition.
Overall notebook is kept very neat.

Teacher Reflection :




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