All Things Are Connected Poster
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Understanding of connections
Poster does not demonstrate an understanding of the connections in our world
Poster somewhat demonstrates an understanding of the connections in our world
Poster demonstrate an understanding of the connections in our world
Poster demonstrates a clear understanding of the connections in our world
Word choice
Student chooses few or no effective words to bring attention to their issue
Student chooses only some effective words to bring attention to their issue
Student mostly chooses effective words to bring attention to their issue
Student always chooses effective words to bring attention to their issue
Creativity and use of pictures
Poster demonstrates little to no creativity and does not use pictures
Poster demonstrates some creativity and uses few pictures
Poster demonstrates creativity and uses pictures
Poster demonstrates a lot of creativity and uses pictures
Choice of issue
Student does not choose an issue which is relevant to current global issues
Student chooses an issue which is somewhat relevant to current global issues
Student chooses an issue which is mostly relevant to current global issues
Student chooses an issues which is very relevant to current global issues

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