Best Part of Me
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The image does not focus on the chosen body part and the quality is very poor.
The photo does focus on the chosen body part but the quality is poor.
The photo does focus well on the student chosen body part. The quality of the image is good.
The photo does focus well on the chosen body part. The quality of the image is excellent and it conveys the idea in their paragraph very well.
Paragraph Structure
Paragraph is not indented. The paragraph has a whole bunch of unconnected sentences, missing an introductory and concluding sentence.
Paragraph is not indented. The paragraph does not have a well developed introductory or concluding sentence. Some of the descriptive sentences support the main idea. The paragraph is not well organized.
The paragraph is indented. The paragraph has a good introductory sentence and concluding sentence. All the descriptive sentences support the main idea.
The paragraph is indented. The paragraph and has both an interesting introductory and concluding sentence. The paragraph is well organized and has a lot of detail.
Topic is unclear and there are no descriptions of the body part. There are also no explanations provided throughout the paragraph.
The topic is clear but the paragraph is either missing a description of the body part or the reasoning for their choice. There are also no use of a comparison throughout the paragraph.
Topic is clear and the paragraph has a description of the body part and the reasoning for their choice. There is also a good use of adjectives and has at least one comparison.
The topic is concise and clear. There is a thorough description of the body part and the reasoning for their choice. The description includes the use of a variety of adjectives and more than 2 comparisons.
Spelling and Grammar
Paragraph has many errors that make the writing confusing and hard to read.
Paragraph has several errors in punctuation,spelling, capitalization and grammar.
Paragraph has few minor errors in punctuation,capitalization, spelling and grammar.
Paragraph has no errors in punctuation, capitalization, spelling or grammar.

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