Character Sketch
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Topic Paragraph
Your topic paragraph is too short, or you haven't told me who the character is. You need details. Make it interesting!
Your topic paragraph identifies the character you are writing about but you need to put in more details. Make the reader want to keep reading!
Your topic paragraph includes several details. You clearly identify the character you are writing about. I would keep reading.
Your topic paragraph includes many details that make the reader want to keep reading to find out what happens next. You clearly identify who your character is in the topic paragraph.
You didn't give enough details to let me get to know your character. Who is this person? How well do you know this person? Add more details so I can know this person too.
You included some details, but I still don't really know your character. Add some more information so I can really see your character.
You included several details that helped me get to know your character. Your information was pretty good!
I feel like I know your character because you included so much information and so many great details! You made your character come to life for me.
Strong verbs and sensory details
Your verbs are basic. Show some action! Make those verbs pop! Add sensory details to let me see your character through your eyes.
You used a few stronger verbs, but you can do better! Make those sentences show action! Add those sensory details to make me feel like I am seeing your character through your eyes.
Your verbs are good. You tried to insert some strong action in some sentences. Good for you. You have some sensory details too.
Your verbs are great! I can feel the action. The sensory details you provide make me feel like I am seeing things through your eyes.
Punctuation: Commas and End Marks
Your mistakes are really distracting me from your writing! Remember, you should revise before you turn in your final draft.
Several comma mistakes and maybe a few end mark mistakes. Let's work on putting commas in the right places.
Good use of commas and end marks. You have a few mistakes,but these don't distract from your writing.
Your use of commas and end marks is fabulous! Few if any mistakes!
Mechanics: Capitalization and Spelling
Too many mistakes in capitalization and/or spelling. Did you revise? Let's get to work!
Several mistakes in capitalization and/or spelling can distract from your writing. Let's work on these skills!
A few mistakes in capitalization and/or spelling! Good!
Wow! No mistakes in capitalization and few if any mistakes in spelling!

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