Classroom Behavior Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Materials: Student comes to class with pencils, paper and required materials to complete classroom tasks.
Student does not arrive with appropriate class materials. Student never arrives with a pencil, paper or the required materials ready for class.
Student arrives with some materials ready for class, but regularly 'borrows' pencils, pens, paper. Materials are not organized and ready to begin.
Student arrives with some materials organized and ready to begin. Occasionally 'borrows' pencils, pens, paper.
Student arrives with all materials for class organized and ready to begin.
Preparedness & Organization: Student will have a notebook and a folder for each class.
Student arrived with misc. piles of papers in books & bookbag. Nothing was organized for this class.
Student arrived with many notebooks and folders. None were labeled and organized for my class.
Student had a few notebooks and folders - A folder was organized and labeled for my class.
Student arrives to class with a notebook and a folder neatly organized & labeled for my class.
Understanding Classroom Tasks&Assignments:Requesting assistance. (SELF-ADVOCACY)
Student requires teacher intervention to understand a task. Student does not accept teacher assistance with directions.
Student rarely understands directions to complete a task. Student rarely asks for clarification or assistance.
Student usually understands directions to complete a task. Student usually asks for assistance & clarification.
Student always understands directions to complete a task. Student always asks for assistance & clarification.
Time Management Skills: Using classroom time to accomplish assigned tasks.
Student manages time poorly. Rarely completes assigned tasks to the best of his/her ability. Sleeps in class. Disturbs other students. Is often late to class and or requires daily restroom breaks during classroom instruction.
Student rarely manages time to complete classroom tasks. Is usually late to class and is rarely prepared to begin on time. Requires daily restroom breaks during classroom instruction.
Student usually manages time appropriately and completes most required tasks to the best of his/her ability. Is usually on time and prepared for class.
Student always manages time appropriately and completes required tasks to the best of his/her ability. Always on time & prepared for class.
Work completion outside of the classroom. (HOMEWORK)
Student never completes homework/ project assignments outside of class. Nothing is turned in on due date. Work is never turned in.
Student rarely turns in completed homework/project assignments on time. Some may be turned in but are incomplete and past due date.
Student usually turns in completed homework/project assignments on time. Some may be incomplete or past the due date.
Student always turns in completed homework/project assignments when they are due.

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