Classroom Library Contest
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Books and Other Materials
Collection is minimal and inadequate for number of students served. No variety. Materials in poor condition.
Collection is barely adequate for students served. Some materials are good quality but others are in poor condition. Minimal variety of materials available. Most books are fiction and are "grade level"
Adequate quantity and quality of materials available. There is some variety (more than just books). Several genres and reading levels are provided.
Large quantity and quality of materials available. Wide variety (books, magazines, newspapers, audio books, etc.). Many genres represented. Reflective of curriculum. Wide range of reading levels. Responsive to students' interests.
No evidence of any organizational system.
Materials are on shelves. A small part of the collection has been marked and/or categorized. Some books have been individually labeled.
Materials in both shelves and bins. Some books are facing outwards. At least half of the collection is marked categorized. Most books are individually labeled.
Materials are housed in several ways (shelves, bins, baskets, etc.). Many books are facing outwards. The collection is clearly marked and categorized (genre, theme, author, series, etc.). Books are individually labeled. Teacher/student "favorites" displayed.
Visual Appeal
The area is not visually appealing.
Minimal seating available. The area is mostly neat but may not always be kept clean. One or two decorative items. No theme or color scheme.
There is comfortable seating available. Clean and neat. There are some decorative items. The area is colorful and inviting.
Comfortable sitting area (pillows, rug, bean bags, blankets, etc.). Clean and neat. Attractive signs. Decorative items (plants, lamps, artwork, posters, etc.). There is a clear theme and/or color scheme for the decor.
The library is not available for student use.
Students use the library but there is no tracking or record of borrowing or returning. There is no specified time for access.
Check-out system is in place but may or may not be regulated or supervised. Students have at least weekly access to books but time to select may be limited.
Check-out system in place (clipboard, sign in/out notebook, etc.)and is properly supervised. Students have daily access and time to select books is not restricted.
There is no student involvement in the classroom library.
Students may help clean the area but do not participate in operating the library.
Student librarians help maintain the area, check-in/out, etc. Students generate written recommendations which are posted.
Students take part in organization and setup. Student librarians help maintain the area, check-in/out, etc. Students recommend books to one another both in writing and through book talks to the class. Students make suggestions for collection development.

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