Communication and Collaboration Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will brainstorm questions with teammates to ask planner
Nonjudgmental of other's ideas.
Contributed at least one question. (ID name after question in Google Doc)
Contributed at least two questions. (ID Name after question in Google Doc)
Contributed more than two ideas/questions. (name after question in Google Doc)
Student will work as a team.
Student will respect members of their team and delegate tasks.
Student will work on task that has been delegated.
Student will complete the work that was delegated to them.
Student will share information with teammates as to what he/she has completed and help other teammates as needed. Student will ask for help as needed and use their teammates as a resource.
Student will create a final document(s)for the project.
Document is completed and then shared with teammates for input and then edited.
Document is professionally done. (5 errors or less)
Document is pleasant to the eye. Placement is centered vertically and horizontally, white space on the outside, font readible based on size and type.
Document provides all of the necessary information.
Student will collaborate with the key parties.
Evidence of contact with key party. Communication is documented.
Three different forms of communication are documented. (Phone, mail, google, e-mail, etc. Document this on your shared Google Doc. by your answers)
All phone numbers and key parties you contacted are identified in the team report.
Thank you note is created by your team and you have signed and mailed to key planner.
Student will create a presentation with their team.
Presentation completed. Student active in presentation.
Presentation incorporates technology.
Presentation is not read.
Presentation includes eye contact and interaction with teammates and key parties who are present.

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