Comparison Poster
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Information gathering and planning worksheet
Both worksheets are not completed in full. Learner shows less than basic understanding of the topic given.
Both worksheets are adequately completed. Learners shows adequate understanding of the topic given.
Both worksheets are completed in detail. Learner shows good understanding of the given topic.
Both worksheets are completed in great detail. Learner shows great understanding of the given topic.
Poster layout
Layout is executed haphazardly. Unreadable and untidy. Almost no evidence of all members contribution on the poster. Visual pictures not relevant to the topic. All in all a disappointing poster.
Layout is executed adequately. Almost neat and readable and some evidence of all members contribution on the poster. Not a lot of relevant visual pictures added. All in all an adequate presentation.
Layout is executed well. Neat and legible and all members contributed in their own handwriting. Some relevant visual pictures added. All in all a well executed poster.
Layout is perfectly executed. Neat and legible and all members contributed in their own handwriting. Relevant visual pictures added. All in all a brilliantly executed poster.
Poster content
Almost no relevant content and one fact per table block. Table is incomplete and conveys proof of terrible research skills.
Some content relevant and 2 or less facts per table block. Table is almost complete and conveys proof of adequate research skills.
Most content relevant and 2 facts per table block. Table is complete and conveys proof of good research skills.
All content relevant and more than 2 facts per table block. Table is complete and conveys proof of excellent research skills.
Team project evaluation form
Learner and group members lie about contribution of the individual learner. Form is not filled in with enough detail.
Learner and group members reflect about contribution of the individual leaner. Form is filled in with enough detail.
Learner and group members reflect with good honesty about contribution of the individual learner. Form is filled in with good detail.
Learner and group members reflect with great honesty about contribution of the individual learner. Form filled in with great detail.
Contributions/participation Attitude
Seldom cooperative, rarely offers useful ideas. Is disruptive.
Sometimes cooperative, sometimes offered useful ideas. Rarely displays positive attitude.
Cooperative, usually offered useful ideas. Generally displays positive attitude.
Always willing to help and do more, routinely offered useful ideas. Always displays positive attitude.

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