Contraception Presentations
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Visuals are inappropriate.
Visuals are appropriate, but lack variety (repetitive).
Visuals are appropriate and varied.
Visuals are appropriate and varied; visuals chosen clearly demonstrate significant research (beyond Google Images).
No presentation was given OR presentation includes nothing but an explanation of what each picture is showing.
Presentation includes a very simple explanation of what each visual is showing; very little understanding/ knowledge is evident. Student read notes rather than presented.
Presentation is educational and demonstrates understanding/ knowledge, but one or two concepts were inaccurate or mispronounced. Eye contact with the audience was significant.
Presentation is educational and demonstrates DEEP understanding/ knowledge. All facts were accurate and correctly pronounced. Student did not need to refer to notes.
Anatomy and Physiology
Presentation included no anatomy or physiology information.
Only the anatomy (what) of the contraceptive was discussed. No physiology (how) was included in presentation.
Both the anatomy and physiology of the contraceptive was included in the presentation, but the relationship was not made clear to the audience.
Both the anatomy and physiology of the contraceptive was included in the presentation, which included a concise and accurate description of how the contraceptive works.
Relevant General Information
Low quality
Somewhat low quality
Somewhat high quality
High Quality

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