Cooperative Learning Game Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Information was cut and pasted into the text boxes. The selected game was basic and without additional elements. (0-5 points)
The selected game included only one creative element (i.e. animations, music) and was somewhat tailored to the subject area. (6-10 points)
The project included 1-2 creative elements and included elements specific to the subject area. (11-14 points)
The project was tailored to the specific subject and included animations, music, and additional elements. (15-20 points)
The game selected included some information from the coursework but didn't seem to reinforce the material. The game may not be appropriate for the intended grade level. (0-5 points)
The game selected was somewhat appropriate for the grade level. The game reinforced some material from the subject area. (6-10 points)
The game was appropriate for the grade level but it only reinforced some of the material from the subject area. (11-14 points)
The game selected lent itself as an excellent tool for the subject area. The game reinforced material from the class and was appropriate for the grade level. (15-20 points)
The game had 6-10 blank questions or answers. There was information left out of the game. (0-5 points)
The game had 1-5 blank questions or answers. There was information left out of the game. (6-10)
The questions or answers were missing some information. (11-14)
All questions and answers were complete and correct. (15-20)
The content of the game was inaccurate, did not fit the subject area, and/or was not age-level appropriate. (0-5 points)
Some of the game's content contained inaccuracies, did not fit the subject are, and/or was not age-level appropriate. (5-10 points)
Most of the game's content was accurate, subject are appropriate., and age-level appropriate. (11-14 points)
The content in the game is accurate, subject area appropriate., and age-level appropriate. (15-20 points)
The game contained more than 5 spelling/grammar mistakes. (0-5 points)
The game contained 3-5 spelling/grammar mistakes. (6-10 points)
The game contained 1-2 spelling/grammar mistakes. (11-14 points)
There were no obvious spelling/grammar mistakes. (15-20 points)

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