Create a Radio Advertisement
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Your Product Plan
Plan is not very detailed; does not indicate the target audience; does not identify the sound/music files; or provide examples of the appropriate sound/music files.
A basic plan is provided; with limited information provided about the target audience, sound/music file type with some examples provided.
A fairly detailed plan, providing good information about the target audience, the appropriate sound/music type will good examples.
A detailed plan providing excellent information about the target audience for the advertisement; has identified appropriate sound/music types and provided suitable sound/music files.
Advertisement Script
Script is very basic and does not adhere to the correct format.
Script is basic; format not entirely correct; does not indicate where sound/music files enter/exit.
A good script adhering to the correct format most of the time. Mostly accurate indications of when the sound/music files enter/exit. Some creativity.
An excellent script always adhering to the correct format. Accurate indications of when music/sound files enter/exit the advertisement. Script is very creative.
A half page explanation on the music you have chosen.
A very basic explanation of the music chosen. Does not accurately identify what category the music belongs to e.g. cover song. A very basic response as to why they chose particular song/sound files.
A basic explanation of the music chosen. Identifies what category the music belongs to but not completely accurate e.g. cover song. A basic response as to why they chose particular song/sound files.
A good explanation of the music chosen. Mostly identifies what category the music belongs to accurately e.g. cover song. A good response as to why they chose particular song/sound files.
An excellent explanation of the music chosen. Has accurately identified what category the music belongs to e.g. cover song. An excellent response as to why they chose particular song/sound files.
Peer and Self Evaluation Sheets
Submitted the peer/self evaluation sheet.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation
Many spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
Some spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes mostly good.
Always uses correct spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.

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