Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Shows evidence of knowledge individually and/or within a group.
Shows no understanding of concepts taught.
Shows partial understanding of concepts taught.
Shows solid understanding of concepts taught.
Shows in-depth understanding of concepts taught.
Uses skill to perform task with care to attention and detail.
Lacks basic skills. Works with no attention to care and detail
Possesses but needs to refine basic skills. Works with limited attention to care and detail
Exhibits appropriate key skills. Works with care and attention to detail.
Masters key skills. Works with exceptional care and precise detail.
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts or real life situations.
Does not connect knowledge and skills to other contexts.
Partial connection of knowledge and skills to other contexts.
Makes clear connections in other contexts.
Utilizes creative ways to connect knowledge or skills to other contexts.
Selects and utilizes materials, resources, or equipment.
Does not select materials, resources, or equipment. Does not utilize materials, resources, or equipment.
Partial or inappropriate selection of materials, resources, or equipment. Partially utilizes materials, resources, or equipment.
Appropriately selects materials, resources, or equipment. Appropriately utilizes materials, resources, or equipment.
Masterfully selects materials, resources, or equipment. Masterfully utilizes materials, resources, or equipment.
Employs creativity.
Exhibits no creativity.
Exhibits limited degree of creativity.
Exhibits moderate degree of creativity.
Exhibits high degree of creativity.

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