Educational Final Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Problem Statement
No problem statement and no design deliverables.
Problem statement shows little understanding of the problem and few design deliverables are included
Problem statement shows some understanding of the problem and includes most of the final design deliverables
Problem statement shows full understanding of the problem and clearly includes final design deliverables
No procedure, tries things out unsystematically
Outlines a general procedure but does not clearly identify methods. No alternative designs are given.
Solution procedure and methods are not always clearly defined. Few alternative designs are evaluated.
Clear definition of solution, procedure and methods. Different alternatives are considered and evaluated
Final Design
Final design does not demonstrate the use of any design process, engineering standards, economics to satisfy any design objectives and real-word constraints
Final design demonstrates little use of design process, engineering standards, economics to satisfy few design objectives and real-word constraints
Final design demonstrates some use of design process, engineering standards, economics to satisfy some design objectives and real-word constraints
Final design demonstrates effective use of design process, engineering standards, economics to satisfy design objectives and real-word constraints
Design Process
No evidence of ability to understand the design requirements, limitations, analyze different alternatives, and provide a feasible design
Little evidence of ability to understand the design requirements, limitations, analyze different alternatives, and provide a feasible design
Some evidence of ability to understand the design requirements, limitations, analyze different alternatives, and provide a feasible design
Clear evidence of ability to understand the design requirements, limitations, analyze different alternatives, and provide a feasible design
Use of Engineering Principles
No evidence of ability to use engineering principles to design components, devices or systems
Some evidence of ability to use engineering principles to design components, devices or systems
Some evidence of ability to use engineering principles to design components, devices or systems
Clear evidence of ability to use engineering principles to design components, devices or systems

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