Effort And Connection
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students are fully engaged and participating in all activities. Students are making personal connections with the material.
Students lose focus easily and often. Students get distracted and lose engagement. Students don't understand how to make personal connections. Students don't seem interested in the class.
Students lose focus easily but not often. Students get distracted but come back to focus when needed by the teacher. Students put some little effort to make personal connections. Students are semi-interested in the class.
Students lose focus only when they require personal reflection. Students understand what's going on in the activity. Students seem interested in parts of the class.
Students are completely focused and bounce back into focus immediately after focus has been lost. Students easily make personal connections to the activities and they understand what the activity is. Students find interest in the class.
Students will put in effort to understand the LMA framework component of effort. Student Will make effort to express the feeling of the movement, the tone, and the texture of the movement.
Student doesn't care to understand effort. Students doesn't care to understand what the activity is. Student doesn't try and make connections to the movement.
Student Listens to what it going on but doesn't quit understand it. Students in semi-interested in what is going on. Student tries to make connections but loses focus sometimes.
Student listens and tries to understand effort. Student understand what activity is, but loses focus sometimes. Student makes some connections to material.
Student is fully listening and understand the material. Student is putting all effort in to understand the connections of effort in the body. Student understands the lesson and objective.
Student will put in effort to understand the LMA framework component of body. Students will understand flow and speed of movement.
Student is not trying to understand his/her body and body connections. Student doesn't listen when given instructions about flow or speed of movement.
Student understand that connection needs to be made with their body, but doesn't understand how or doesn't want to. Student listens sometimes but gets distracted during instructions. Student tries to maintain speed and flow when asked.
Student is trying his/her best to understand the body and make connections. Students listens to all instructions given by the teacher. Student tries speed and flow. Students understands what's going on in the classroom.
Students understand what their body means to them. Students listens to all instructions given. Student takes time to understand what flow and speed means in his/her body.
Student listens when spoken to. Student raises hand for questions. Student keeps hands and feet to his/herself unless other instructions were given to do otherwise.
Student talks when teacher is talking. Student doesn't raise hand when he/she has a question. Student likes to put their hands and feet on other students and cause conflict.
Student listens sometimes, but talks when teacher is talking occasionally. Student raises hand when he/she has a question, but sometimes blurts it out. Student forgets to keep hands and feet to self sometimes.
Student listens to what instructions are given and tries their best not to interrupts the teacher while they are talking. Student always raises his/her hand when they have a question. Student rarely invade other students personal space unless given permission.
Student listens to what instructions are given and never interrupts the teacher while they are talking. Student always raises his/her hand when they have a question. Student never invades other students personal space unless given permission.

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