Final Projects Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Is the project creative?
5 - Project is bland with little interest or detail. There is little to no creativity.
10 - Project is interesting but lacks sufficient detail. There is some creativity but the project is not fun for students.
15 - Project has detail and is interesting but could use some improvement. Project is creative and fun.
20 - Project is interesting and contains sufficient detail. Project is creative and very fun for students.
Does the project properly assess the topic?
5 - Project touches on the topic but doesn't go into detail.
10 - Project has some examples of the topic for the students to interact with.
15 - Project has sufficient amount of problems but they are not accurate or useful.
20 - Project has many problems for students to work with and all are accurate and useful.
Does the project properly teach the topic?
5 - Project has problems that are either too challenging or too easy for students to solve.
10 - Project has some problems that challenge students but some that are too hard or too easy.
15 - Project has problems that are on student's grade level or are a little challenging but more could be provided.
20 - Project has a sufficient amount of problems that are on the student's grade level and offer the appropriate level of challenge.
Is the information accurate and useful?
5 - Information is not accurate and is not useful.
10 - Information is accurate but is not useful to the students.
15 - Information is accurate and most problems are useful to the students.
20 - Information is both accurate and useful to students.
Are there multiple options for different ability levels?
5 - Only one ability level for entire project.
10 - One ability level with hard or easy problems contained in the project.
15 - There are two ability levels addressed within the project.
20 - Three or more ability levels are addressed within the project.

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