Fire Safety Poster Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Includes 4 main types of fire extinguishers
All 4 main types of fire extinguishers are not included on the poster. No clear explanation as to material(s) included in the extinguisher or what the extinguishers are used for. The material that is there is difficult to read and understand, especially from several feet away from the poster
4 main types of fire extinguishers are included and the following criteria are at least partially explained: contents of the extinguishers and types of fires on which they are used. Information is presented in a manner which requires a degree of effort to fully comprehend and read.
The four main types of extinguishers are included and a good explanation is given as to material(s) contained in the extinguishers, as well as types of fires on which they are used. Information is clear, relatively easy to read, and somewhat attractive in it's presentation
Includes the 4 main types of fire extinguishers, with reference made to other, less common fire extinguishers. Includes not only classifications of extinguishers, but also the material(s) the extinguishers contain, as well as the types of fires on which they are used. Information presented in a clear, easy to read, and attractive format. Diagrams are included to demonstrate the types of fires on which they're used. The information can be clearly read from several feet away.
Fire emergency plan included, with incorporation of the RACE acronym
Although included on the poster, the RACE acronymn is either hard to find on the poster or is not clearly explained.
The RACE acronymn is easily identified on the poster and a brief, limited explanation is given for what each component of the acronymn stands for
The RACE acronymn is clearly identified, presented in a neat, attractive format, and clearly explains what each component of the acronymn refers to
The RACE acronymn is clearly identified, easily read from several feet away, and completely and accurately gives a brief description of each component of the RACE acronymn Pictures and diagrams are provided.
The PASS acronymn is included to explain the steps in using a fire extinguisher
The PASS acronymn is included but not easily identified on the poster. Each and every component of the acronymn is not accurately described. No supporting diagrams are included and the text is somewhat hard to read.
The PASS anarchy is easily found on the poster and each component of the acronymn is somewhat explained. The text can not easily be read from several feet away from the poster.
The PASS acronymn is readily identified, clearly defined, and can be read from several feet away.
The PASS acronymn is easily identified, clearly defined, easily read from several feet away, and includes diagrams and/or pictures to further explain and also lend attractiveness to that component of the poster
Good group dynamics and contribution
All members of the group contribute, although it is very clear that some members do most of the work and others do almost nothing. No clear consensus can be established as to distribution of work on the poster and there are frequent disagreements.
Although it is clear that all members contribute asymmetrically, there is contribution from everyone in the group. For the most part, members of the group listen to other's ideas and opinions but there are moments of disrespect noted.
Members of the group all contribute to a portion of the poster and there are no clear arguments or evidence of disrespect between members of the group
Every member of the group contributes in an equal manner to the poster. Each member of the group is respectful to others in the group, listening attentively to other's ideas and opinions. Each member of the group supports one another and assists each other in presenting his/her best work
Thorough research done
No to minimal research done with the use of technology. For the minimal amount of research that may have been done, no credit given on poster to the source used/utilized.
Small amount of time spent on research on-line but for the most part, text book is main resource used. When on-line information obtained, proper credit not clearly shown on poster.
Good amount of research done on-line but could have been more complete. Decent attention paid to the sources visited and cited. Credit is given to information obtained on-line but is not always done clearly
The iPads and/or laptops are utilized frequently for in-depth research on the topics of the poster. Groups take each part of the poster "a step further" and seek out the newest research and up to date information available on-line. Attention is paid to the quality of the sources cited on-line. Credit correctly given to any material taken from on-line websites

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