General Classroom Procedures
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Beginning and Preparing for Class
Student does not use greeting and is not quiet when entering class.
Student uses greeting in English but is quiet when gathering materials and reporting to assigned environment.
Student uses greeting in Spanish, enters quietly, gathers materials for class and reports to assigned environment.
Student uses greeting in Spanish, enters quietly, gathers materials for class and reports to assigned environment. Student helps others.
Listening and Speaking Skills
Student listens but talks over others.
Student does not focus on speaker. Student is sitting quietly.
Student listens to others, gives eye contact and waits to raise hand for permission to speak.
Student carefully listens to others, gives eye contact, raises hand to speak and waits to give others a chance to speak. Student refrains from taking over conversation.
Completing independent work in class.
Student has difficulty with instructions and is not working.
Student attempts to do work but is easily distracted
Student follows directions, works well by himself/herself, completes task and is engaged in work.
Student follows directions, is engaged, works independently and quietly. Student does additional work.
Community and Collaboration (Working with others)
Student is not working but socializing
Student attempts work but is easily distracted.
Student takes turns to speak and contributes to community activities.
Student invites others to contribute and makes sure that work is completed or task in done.
Organization of binder and completed work
Binder has some pages missing and work was turned in late.
Binder is organized and work was turned in incomplete.
Binder is organized and work turned in on time
Binder is well organized, work turned in on time.

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