General Expectations for Middle School Work
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Rarely were directions followed correctly. Aid was needed often or aid was not seeked.
Some written/verbal directions were followed correctly. Some aid was needed.
Most written/verbal directions were followed correctly. Occasional aid was needed.
All written/verbal directions were followed correctly. No additional aid was needed.
Completion of Task
Student was minimally effective when it came to use of time. Some of the task was completed. Many times teacher intervention was needed.
Student was moderately effective when it came to use of time. Most of the task was completed. Some teacher intervention was needed.
Student was effective when it came to use of time. Task was completed. Occasional teacher intervention was needed.
Student was highly effective when it came to use of time. Task was completed. Teacher intervention was not needed.
Information/Science Concept
Information/concept was minimally explained. Some of the content is accurate. Examples were used to show minimal insight/science connection.
Information/concept was moderately explained. Some of content is accurate. Examples were used to show moderate insight/science connection.
Information/concept was effectively explained. Most of content is accurate. Examples show an fairly high level of insight/science connection.
Information/concept was fully and properly explained. Content is accurate. Examples show a high level of insight/science connection.
The design and examples are rarely original ideas from the student. Product is minimally interesting and engaging. Bland use of color.
Some of the design and examples are original ideas from the student. Product is moderately interesting and engaging. Fair use of color.
Most of the design and examples are original ideas from the student. Product is interesting, engaging, and effective. Good use of color.
Design and examples are original ideas from the student. Product is interesting, engaging, and highly effective. Fantastic use of color.
Social Skills
Minimally effective when working, talking, and interacting with others. Minimally respects others' right to learn. Shows minimal caring and consideration.
Moderately effective when working, talking, and interacting with others. Moderately respects others' right to learn. Shows moderate caring and consideration.
Effective when working, talking, and interacting with others. Mainly respects others' right to learn. Mainly shows caring and consideration.
Highly effective when working, talking, and interacting with others. Respects all others' right to learn. Shows caring and consideration for all.

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