4th Quarter Common Assessment
Name: ___________________ Teacher: ____________________
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information or clear focus.
Audience has difficulty following presentation because student does not follow logical sequence or lacks clear focus.
Student presents information in a logical sequence which the audience can follow. The focus of the presentation is mostly clear.
Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which the audience can follow. The focus of the presentation is clear.
Understanding of the Topic
Student does not have grasp of information; student can not answer questions about the topic.
Student has limited understanding of content and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.
Student is familiar with content but fails to elaborate.
Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration.
Visual Materials
Student used no visuals.
Student occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation.
Visuals are appropriate to the text and presentation.
Student used visuals to reinforce text and presentation.
Organization of Information
Presentation lacks relevant facts and organization of information (introduction, body, conclusion).
Presentation contains some relevant facts but lacks organization (introduction, body, conclusion).
Presentation contains mostly relevant facts and has some organization (introduction, body, and conclusion).
Presentation includes relevant facts and details. Information is organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Information was gathered from one source.
Information was gathered from multiple sources (books, magazines, newspapers, and online sources).
Detailed information was gathered from multiple sources(books, magazines, newspapers, and online sources). Sources are identified.
Detailed information was gathered from multiple sources and are relevant to develop the topic(books, magazines, newspapers, and online sources). Sources are identified.

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