Group and Team Work Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Never on task or falls asleep.
Hardly ever on task.
Mostly on task.
Always on task.
Misses key points. No diagram or sketch. Major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. Response shows a complete lack of understanding for the problem.
Explanation is unclear. May be some serious math errors or flaws in reasoning. Response shows some understanding of the problem.
Good solid response with clear explanation. No major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. Shows substantial understanding of the problem, ideas, and processes.
A complete response with a detailed explanation. No math errors. Shows complete understanding of the questions, mathematical ideas, and processes.
Less than 1/2 of all items attempted and/or correct. Response shows a complete lack of understanding for the problem.
Between 1/2 and 9/10 of items are attempted and/or correct. Response shows some understanding of the problem. Does not meet the requirements of the problem.
9/10 of items attempted and correct. Shows substantial understanding of the problem, ideas, and processes. Meets the requirements of the problem.
All items attempted All items are correct. Shows complete understanding of the questions, mathematical ideas, and processes. Goes beyond the requirements of the problem.
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other,exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas NONE of the time.
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other,exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas SOME of the time.
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other,exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas MOST of the time.
The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other,exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas ALL of the time.
Student never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions once per class.
Student proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once per class.

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