Group Investigations
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Research and Content (Analyze)
Content of research is minimal and severely lacking in details.
Content of research is acceptable with minimal details.
Content of research is good with sufficient details.
Content of research exceeds expectations with excellent attention to details.
Group Collaboration (Discussion)
Student is unable to work cooperatively with groupmates to complete the task. Requires continual intervention by teacher.
Student simply follows directions of groupmate(s) and makes little effort to actively contribute.
Student is able to work cooperatively with groupmates to complete the activity, but may not be receptive to groupmates' ideas.
Student works cooperatively with groupmates to complete the activity, emerging as an effective collaborator who supports the ideas and suggestions of his/her peers.
Understanding of Research Context (Presentation)
Little or no understanding of research context is evidenced from student's presentation.�
Some understanding of research context is evidenced from student's presentation, but student does not always reason coherently.�
Firm understanding of research context is evidenced from student's presentation.
Complete understanding of research context is evidenced from student's presentation. Student provides a level of detail and depth that exceeds requirements.�

Teacher Comments:


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