Group Lesson Plan Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Understanding of Assigned Concept
Below Target Student's understanding is minimal. Evidently he or she chose the topic and was unable to make a connection with math.
Minimum Target Student struggles to understand or explain much about the topic of the poster
On Target Student somewhat understands the concepts but shows uncertainty about some aspects of application
Outstanding Student obviously understands the concepts of the lesson and is able to explain and apply the concepts.
Presentation Solution(s), Illustrations and Explanations
Below Target Problem and solutions are randomly given with little or no detail on how solutions were attained;
Minimum Target Most of the required solution(s) are completed; explanations are limited or missing; infrequent or no use of math terms to explain solutions
On Target Complete problem is solved; Minimal explanation is given; however, the details of the math solution are evident. Solution(s) are clearly noted on the poster/paper
Outstanding Complete problem is illustrated, when applicable, and well-explained using math terms and details of the problem-solving. Solution(s) are clearly noted
Interpretation of Math Concept PowerPoint Presentation
Below Target The requirements of the presentation are not understood. Presentation does not pertain to assigned math concept
Minimum Target Parts of the presentation pertain to math topic assigned; however the overall message of the project does not represent the topic assigned
On Target Presentation is not related to assigned topic; however, the presentation illustrates clearly a math concept and application
Outstanding Clearly demonstrates assigned concept related to math. Presentation shows a connection between all of the section topics
Clarity and Neatness
Below Target PowerPoint segments are haphazardly presented with no apparent organization; lacks necessary neatness needed to easily inform viewer
Minimum Target PowerPoint requires viewer to study presentation to find all the pieces of the task. May not be readily legible or organized
On Target PowerPoint presents problem in a neat manner. All segments of the problem are visible, but lack organization for clarity
Outstanding WOW! PowerPoint is well-organized, neatly presented in a colorful and engaging manner. Viewer can easily follow the flow of information presented
Hands On Involvement Activity
Activity is haphazardly presented with no apparent organization; lacks necessary neatness needed to easily inform viewer
Activity requires viewer to study presentation to find all the pieces of the task. May not be readily legible or organized
Activity presents problem in a neat manner. All segments of the activity are visible, but lack organization for clarity
Activity is well-organized, neatly presented in a colorful and engaging manner. Activity is easy to complete for understanding of topic.

Teacher Comments:


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