Group Project Work
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and Understanding
Does not meet requirements of knowledge and Understanding of tools and techniques.
Meets basic requirements for knowledge and understanding of tools and techniques.
Fully meets requirements of knowledge and Understanding of tools and techniques.
Exceeds requirements of knowledge and Understanding of tools and techniques.
Model quality and presentation
Does not meet requirements of modeling quality and presentation. Almost all details are represented. Does not meet expectations of silhouette and topology.
Meets requirements of modeling quality and presentation. Almost all details are represented. Meets expectations of silhouette and topology.
Fully meets requirements of modeling quality and presentation. Almost all details are represented. Fully meets expectations of silhouette and topology.
Exceeds requirements of modeling quality and presentation. Almost all details are represented. Exceeds expectations of silhouette and topology.
Problem Solving - Identifying Problems, Identify relevant information, analyze problems, using strategies, reflecting
Does not meet the requirements for anticipating different problems, identifying and solving your own problems, analyze characteristics of problems before solving, use tools and strategies learned to solve problems and reflect on problem solving process, evaluate and change as necessary.
Meets requirements for anticipating different problems, identifying and solving your own problems, analyze characteristics of problems before solving, use tools and strategies learned to solve problems and reflect on problem solving process, evaluate and change as necessary.
Fully meets requirements for anticipating different problems, identifying and solving your own problems, analyze characteristics of problems before solving, use tools and strategies learned to solve problems and reflect on problem solving process, evaluate and change as necessary.
Exceeds anticipating different problems, identifying and solving your own problems, analyze characteristics of problems before solving, use tools and strategies learned to solve problems and reflect on problem solving process, evaluate and change as necessary.
Time management, Communication and Work Ethic
Does not meet expectations setting realistic personal milestones and completing tasks, asking and applying feedback from various sources, being polite and professional, attitude, attendance for the week, punctuality for the week, getting to work quickly and remaining on task.
Meets expectations setting realistic personal milestones and completing tasks, asking and applying feedback from various sources, being polite and professional, attitude, attendance for the week, punctuality for the week, getting to work quickly and remaining on task.
Fully meets expectations in setting realistic personal milestones and completing tasks, asking and applying feedback from various sources, being polite and professional, attitude, attendance for the week, punctuality for the week, getting to work quickly and remaining on task.
Exceeds expectations setting realistic personal milestones and completing tasks, asking and applying feedback from various sources, being polite and professional, attitude, attendance for the week, punctuality for the week, getting to work quickly and remaining on task.
Project Requirements / Pipeline
Does not meet requirements. 3 or more required elements are missing.
Meets requirements. Missing less than 2 required elements.
Fully meets meeting requirements. Most required elements are present. Required elements are present.
Exceeds meeting requirements. All required elements are present. Requirements followed completely.
Focus on the task
Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work. Conversations not related to assignment.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on-task. Conversations not related to the assignment.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person. Conversations on topic and includes use of the academic vocabulary. Students working together to solve problem. All students participating.
Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. Helping other students to understand by using academic vocabulary and pointing out obvious errors. Conversations on topic. All students participating.
Working with Others
Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good group member.
Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good group member.
Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause problems in the group.
Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.
Group completed less than half the assignment. Group did not use time-wisely.
Group spent too much time off topic and waited until the last minute to start but finished 50% of the assignment
Group got right to work but only finished 75% of the assignment.
Group got right to work and completed 100% of the assignment.
Content Did the presentation have valuable material?
Presentation contained little to no valuable material.
Presentation had moments where valuable material was present but as a whole content was lacking.
Presentation had a good amount of material and benefited the class.
Presentation had an exceptional amount of valuable material and was extremely beneficial to the class.
Collaboration Did everyone contribute to the presentation? Did everyone seem well versed in the material?
The teammates never worked from others' ideas. It seems as though only a few people worked on the presentation.
The teammates sometimes worked from others' ideas. However it seems as though certain people did not do as much work as others.
The teammates worked from others' ideas most of the time. And it seems like every did some work, but some people are carrying the presentation.
The teammates always worked from others' ideas. It was evident that all of the group members contributed equally to the presentation.
Organization Was the presentation well organized and easy to follow?
The presentation lacked organization and had little evidence of preparation.
There were minimal signs of organization or preparation.
The presentation had organizing ideas but could have been much stronger with better preparation.
The presentation was well organized, well prepared and easy to follow.
Presentation Did the presenters Speak clearly? Did the engage the audience? Was it obvious the material had been rehearsed?
Presenters were unconfident and demonstrated little evidence of planning prior to presentation.
Presenters were not consistent with the level of confidence/preparedness they showed the classroom but had some strong moments.
Presenters were occasionally confident with their presentation however the presentation was not as engaging as it could have been for the class.
Presenters were all very confident in delivery and they did an excellent job of engaging the class. Preparation is very evident.
Assignment Task Did the group fulfill all off the requirements? (Summarizer, Discussion Leader, Song, Word Reporter, Passage Master, Activity)
More than one requirement was not completely met.
One requirement was not completely met.
All requirements are met.
All requirements are met and exceeded.
All members of the group participated in the group activities
No participation
Very little group participation
Most of the Group participated well together
All members of the group participated
Group members stayed on the task assigned
Never on task
Sometimes off task
On task most of the time
Always on task
Group members worked well together
Group did not work well together
group sometimes worked well together
most of the group worked well together
All members of the group worked well together
Members helped and encouraged each other
Members did not help each other
Some encouragement was shown
The group helped and encouraged each other most of the time
The group helped and encouraged each other all of the time
Handled questions and comments from the class very well
Not at all
Had difficulty with questions and comments
Had very little difficulty with questions and comments from the class
Had no difficulty with questions and comments from the class
Focus on the task
Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work. Conversations not related to assignment.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on-task. Conversations not related to the assignment.
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person. Conversations on topic and includes use of the academic vocabulary. Students working together to solve problem. All students participating.
Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. Helping other students to understand by using academic vocabulary and pointing out obvious errors. Conversations on topic. All students participating.
Working with Others
Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good group member.
Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good group member.
Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause problems in the group.
Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.
Group completed less than half the assignment. Group did not use time-wisely.
Group spent too much time off topic and waited until the last minute to start but finished 50% of the assignment
Group got right to work but only finished 75% of the assignment.
Group got right to work and completed 100% of the assignment.
Content Did the presentation have valuable material?
Presentation contained little to no valuable material.
Presentation had moments where valuable material was present but as a whole content was lacking.
Presentation had a good amount of material and benefited the class.
Presentation had an exceptional amount of valuable material and was extremely beneficial to the class.
Collaboration Did everyone contribute to the presentation? Did everyone seem well versed in the material?
The teammates never worked from others' ideas. It seems as though only a few people worked on the presentation.
The teammates sometimes worked from others' ideas. However it seems as though certain people did not do as much work as others.
The teammates worked from others' ideas most of the time. And it seems like every did some work, but some people are carrying the presentation.
The teammates always worked from others' ideas. It was evident that all of the group members contributed equally to the presentation.
Organization Was the presentation well organized and easy to follow?
The presentation lacked organization and had little evidence of preparation.
There were minimal signs of organization or preparation.
The presentation had organizing ideas but could have been much stronger with better preparation.
The presentation was well organized, well prepared and easy to follow.
Presentation Did the presenters Speak clearly? Did the engage the audience? Was it obvious the material had been rehearsed?
Presenters were unconfident and demonstrated little evidence of planning prior to presentation.
Presenters were not consistent with the level of confidence/preparedness they showed the classroom but had some strong moments.
Presenters were occasionally confident with their presentation however the presentation was not as engaging as it could have been for the class.
Presenters were all very confident in delivery and they did an excellent job of engaging the class. Preparation is very evident.
Assignment Task Did the group fulfill all off the requirements? (Summarizer, Discussion Leader, Song, Word Reporter, Passage Master, Activity)
More than one requirement was not completely met.
One requirement was not completely met.
All requirements are met.
All requirements are met and exceeded.
All members of the group participated in the group activities
No participation
Very little group participation
Most of the Group participated well together
All members of the group participated
Group members stayed on the task assigned
Never on task
Sometimes off task
On task most of the time
Always on task
Group members worked well together
Group did not work well together
group sometimes worked well together
most of the group worked well together
All members of the group worked well together
Members helped and encouraged each other
Members did not help each other
Some encouragement was shown
The group helped and encouraged each other most of the time
The group helped and encouraged each other all of the time
Handled questions and comments from the class very well
Not at all
Had difficulty with questions and comments
Had very little difficulty with questions and comments from the class
Had no difficulty with questions and comments from the class

Teacher Comments:


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