Habits of Mind
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Speaker is missing two or more elements of organization (hook, middle, conclusion) or strays of topic more than once.
Speaker does not provide all three elements of organization (hook, middle, conclusion) or speech strays off topic.
Presentation begins with an engaging hook, has an informative middle, and ties everything together with a satisfying conclusion.
The organization follows all the components of a 3 and is compelling and engaging throughout the presentation.
Digital Media
Habits of Mind PowerPoint does not meet all of the criteria assigned in Advisory.
Habits of Mind PowerPoint meets all of the criteria assigned in Advisory.
Habits of Mind PowerPoint meets all of the criteria assigned in Advisory and the speaker as added task appropriate designs, animations, and transitions. The chosen images reflect the student's thought process and support the presentation
PowerPoint meets all of the requirements of a 3 and shows extremely well thought-out and planned designs and transitions. The chosen images reflect deep thought and flow perfectly with the presentation.
The speaker makes multiple grammar errors or speech is unclear and multiple times, or presentation is not at all adapted for the audience.
The speaker makes one or two grammar errors or speaks unclear one or two times throughout the speech or speech is not appropriate for the audience.
The speakers utilizes correct grammar and speaks loudly and clearly throughout the presentation. Speech is adapted to the audience.
The speaker utilizes perfect grammar and speaks in a clear and engaging tone throughout the presentation. Speech is well adapted to the audience.
There is little to no eye contact made or the speaker appears extremely nervous, or the speaker displays no enthusiasm about giving the presentation.
Eye contact is broken multiple times or the speaker does not look confident, or the speaker does not seem engaged.
Eye contact is maintained throughout the speech and the speaker appears confident and engaged.
Eye contact is maintained throughout the speech and the speakers displays full confidence and engagement at all times.

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This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com