Home Sweet Home!
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student records the amount of time spent creating floor plan, including the start, end, and elapsed time.
Student does not record the start, end, or elapsed time.
Student records the start, end, and elapsed time but has 2 or more errors.
Student records the start, end, and elapsed time and has one error.
Student records the start, end, and elapsed time and has no errors.
Student labels each shape with the correct name.
Student does not follow directions and does not label each shape in the floor plan.
Student labels at least 2 shapes, but forgets to label other shapes or incorrectly labels 3 or more.
Student labels most of the shapes, but forgets 1 or 2 shapes or incorrectly labels 1 or 2 .
Student correctly labels all shapes in the floor plan.
Student determines the measurements of their floor plan. using the scale of 1 cube=1 foot. Student labels the sides to determine the correct perimeter and area.
Student does not label the sides of their floor plan. Student does not determine the perimeter or area.
Student labels the sides of their floor plan., but does not label the measurements correctly. Student attempts to find the perimeter and area of their floor plan.
Student correctly labels the measurements of their floor plan. using the correct scale. Student correctly determines the perimeter and area of their floor plan.
Student goes above and beyond labeling the measurements of their floor plan. Student labels the objects in the floor plan. using the correct scale. Student determines the correct perimeter and area of their floor plan.
Student reflects on the creation of their floor plan. and includes data on the time they spent working on it.
Student does not attempt to reflect on how they created their floor plan. nor the time they spent making it.
Student attempts to reflect on how they created the floor plan., but forgets to include data and/or details.
Student reflects on how they created the floor plan., including detail and data.
Student reflects on how they created the floor plan., including data and includes many details that explain the process.
Student creates a neat, labeled, finished product.
Student does not finish the project in the allotted time.
Student creates a finished project but the project is not labeled nor is it neat.(Sloppy work)
Student creates a neat, labeled, finished product.
Student creates a neat, labeled, finished product that goes above and beyond the example.

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