Identification & Utilization Basic Skill
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Demonstrates a sound understanding of technology concepts, system and operations
Unable to demonstrate
Demonstrates inconsistently - needs constant assistance and reteaching
A majority of the time consistently demonstrates may need some assistance or reteaching
Consistently demonstrates
Uses technology tools to express their own ideas or thinking Through use of Kidspiration tools students will be able to create their own patterns
Unable to make a unique pattern and unable explain pattern created
able to make a unique pattern but unable to explain it clearly
able to make a unique pattern and explain it clearly
able to make unique completed pattern and explain them with detail and clarity
Digital Citizenship Learn and use logins and passwords
unable to login does not recognize what login and password denote
unable to login without individualized help needs help understanding login and password
able to log in with group instruction understands user name and password
able to log in independently using login name and password
Able to be patient when using technology and problem solve when they are struggling.
Frustration is followed by poor coping schools
Frustration is followed by outcry for help
Frustration is followed by asking for help appropriately by raising hand and waiting for teacher
Frustration is followed by independently problem solving or cooperative problem solving and if needed asking for help appropriately
Use age-appropriate technology to demonstrate learning. Using the computer student integrates all components of learning to utilize a computer application
Unable to complete task utilizing both hardware and technology application tools.
Started task utilizing both hardware and technology application tools but could not finish
Completed task utilizing both hardware and technology application tools.
Completed task, continued on independently with additional tasks.

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