Imaginary Creatures Portfolio
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student work demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of materials and processes. (Depiction:4C, Expression:10(iii)B, Expression:10(iii)D)
Limited variety of materials and/or processes. Insufficient evidence of understanding.
Some variety of materials and/or processes. Moderate evidence of understanding.
Wide variety of materials and/or processes. Considerable evidence of understanding.
Exceptional variety of materials and/or processes. Superior evidence of understanding.
Students demonstrate an understanding of elements and principles of design through his/her artwork. (Depiction:4C, Expression:10B, Depiction:6)
Limited use of design elements. Insufficient demonstration of design principles.
Some use of design elements. Moderate demonstration of design principles.
Wide use of design elements. Considerable demonstration of design principles.
Exceptional use of design elements. Superior demonstration of design principles.
Student engages in self assessment demonstrating a growing understanding of concepts.
Insufficient or incomplete self-assessments. Limited evidence of growth.
Irregular or inadequate self-assessments. Moderate evidence of growth.
Completed and descriptive self-assessments. Considerable evidence of growth.
Comprehensive completion of self-assessments. Exceptional evidence of growth.
Student demonstrates risk-taking and creative decision making in regards to the theme (Imaginary Creatures).
Limited risk-taking. Insufficient demonstration of thematic creativity and artistic decisions.
Some risk-taking. Moderate demonstration of thematic creativity and artistic decisions.
Substantial risk-taking. Considerable demonstration of thematic creativity and artistic decisions.
Exceptional risk-taking. Superior demonstration of thematic creativity and artistic decisions.

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