Levels System
Name: ___________________ Teacher: ____________________
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Providing poker chips (reinforcement) within 3-5 seconds of appropriate behavior or having individual access poker chip (reinforcement) for themselves within 3 - 5 secs of appropriate behavior
Teacher/para are not utilizing the poker chips as reinforcements
Teacher/para are inconsistently with utilizing the poker chips as reinforcements within 3-5 sec of appropriate behavior or having individual access for themselves within 3-5 secs of appropriate behavior
Teacher/para are consistently with utilizing the poker chips as reinforcements within 3-5 sec of appropriate behavior but students don't have individual access for themselves within 3-5 secs of appropriate behavior
Teacher/para are consistently with utilizing the poker chips as reinforcements within 3-5 sec of appropriate behavior or having individual access for themselves within 3-5 secs of appropriate behavior
Engaging in the sign in and sign out process...CHECK IN/OUT
Teacher/para is not utilizing the CHECK IN/OUT process
Teacher/para is inconsistent with the CHECK IN/OUT process
Teacher/para is utilizing the CHECK IN/OUT process but documentation is not consistent
Teacher/para is fully utilizing the CHECK IN/OUT process with consistent documentation
Tracking points students earned
Teacher/para is not tracking points that the students earned
Teacher/para is inconsistent with tracking points students earned
Teacher/para is fully tracking the points students earned BUT the documentation is not consistent
Teacher/para is fully tracking the points students earned with consistent documentation
Students have access to trade points for privileges and the privileges choices are updated monthly
Student do not have access to trade points for privileges and the privileges choices are not updated monthly
Student access to trade points for privileges is inconsistent Student privileges choices are not updated monthly
Student access to trade points are not utilized appropriately for privileges
Student have access to trade points for privileges
Students are assigned to levels based off of the present established criteria
Students are not assigned to levels based off of the present established criteria
Students are inconsistently assigned to levels based off of the present established criteria
Students are assigned to levels but not based off present established criteria
Student are assigned to levels based off of present established criteria

Teacher Comments:


This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com