Measure of High Performance Teams
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Shared Purpose and Direction
Lack of consensus among team members
Some consensus among team members, but still lacking a unified purpose and direction.
Overall agreement and commitment to purpose/direction, but sometimes getting off target.
Everyone is on agreement on the teams purpose and share the purpose and direction, which can be verified verbally.
Commitment to Individual and Team Roles
Self-centric. Does not demonstrate they understand or can not function in their team role, or that they are lacking knowledge about the team.
Group-centric with mentorship. Demonstrates working with team members in part, and resorting to individual or mentored at times.
Group-centric with minimal mentorship. Demonstrates working with team members in part, and seldomly needing to be mentored.
Team members have clearly defined roles that are understood, and they also understand how each of their roles is linked to every other role. Work is integrated among team members. Appropriate team members contribute to the end result.
Multi-Directional Communication
One way communication strictly from leader to team members. Inappropriate communication channels. The team is not informed of the work of this person.
Communicates with other team members partially, but not does not fully communicate important information or to the right people. The team is partially aware of the progress of work.
Communicates with other team members, but sometimes lacks clarity. The team is aware of the progress of other team members work.
Communicates with all appropriate team members with needed appropriate information, and keeps the team updated on current challenges or emerging issues.
Authority to Decide or Act
Does not take responsibility for decision or actions. Seeks excess amount of information, guidance and agreement from others, based on organizational history or experience.
Begins to take responsibility for decisions and actions, but frequently requires assistance or back up to achieve the goal.
Takes responsibility for decisions and actions, but occasionally requires assistance or back up to achieve the goal.
Demonstrates decision making and actions that demonstrate they support the team purpose, processes and priorities, and are accomplished with little to no assistance to achieve the goal.
Mutual Support and Trust
Little background knowledge of the team or members and their history, goals and mission. The team does not know enough to trust this individual with key tasks.
Aware of team culture and melding as team members, however individual motivation prevails at times. Trusted to provide small key tasks.
Knowledge of team culture or individuals as team members, however individual motivation prevails at times. Trusted to provide most key tasks.
History of working together. Has experience meeting challenges, overcoming obstacles, backing each other up in good times and bad. The Total Team has earned each other's trust.

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