Monthly Evaluation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Work Schedule/Break Schedule (based on gray area of time clock)
Late for work 5 or more times
Late for work 2 or more times
Ready to start prior to schedule. Late no more than 1 time
Ready to start work prior to schedule and never late for work
Lesson Plan
Does not create a lesson plan that is DAP, needs to be modified to conform to DAP
Attempts to create a lesson plan following DAP, but needs to make corrections
DAP lesson plan needs less to 2 corrections to modify
Creates a DAP lesson plan
Does not submit Reflection Teacher's reflection on lesson plan does not provide an accurate objective description of the lesson plan
Teacher's reflection provides a partially accurate and objective description of the lesson plan, but does not cite specific positive and negatives characteristics. Teacher make global suggestions as to how the lesson might be improved.
Teacher's reflection provides an accurate and objective description of the lesson, and cites specific positive and negative characteristic suggestions as how the lesson might improve.
Reflection on the lesson plan is highly accurate and perceptive, and cites specific examples that were not fully successfully, for at least some of the children. Teacher draws on extensive repertoire to suggest alternative strategies.
Engaged in Play (indoors and outdoors)
Does not engage in play with children. Easily distracted, needs to be reminded to interact and engage in play with children
Teacher engages with child is limited to small group activities and computer time.
Engages in play with children. Stays focused on children most of the time.
Engages in play with children. Stays focused on children and task.
Time Management
Rarely gets things done by the deadline, group may or may not have to adjust schedule because of this person's inadequate time management
Does not get task done on time consistently and/or students are often waiting for the teacher to complete task. (Tends to procrastinate)
Usually uses time well throughout planning time, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Consistently uses time well throughout planning time to ensure everything is ready for projects prior to lesson. Group does not have to adjust schedule or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination. (Group may be children or CO-teachers)
Anecdotal Notes Observation Work Sampling
Is not consistent with anecdotal notes/observations and work sampling. May or may not need reminders to complete task.
Needs no more than two reminders a month to complete anecdotal notes/observation and work sampling
Maintains anecdotal notes/observation and work sampling on most children
Maintains anecdotal notes/observation and work sampling on all children
teacher establishes a respectful environment for a diverse population of learners
Appreciates and understands the need to establish nurturing relationships.
and... Establishes an inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible and supportive learning environment.
And Maintains a positive and nurturing learning environment
and... Encourages and advises others to provide a nurturing and positive learning environment for all learners.
Teacher adapts their teaching for the benefit of all learners
Recognizes that learners have a variety of learning needs.
And Collaborates with specialists who can support the special learning needs of learners.
And Understands the roles and collaborates with the full range of support specialists to help meet the special needs of all learners.
And Anticipates the unique learning needs of learners and solicits assistance from within and outside the learning environment to address those needs.
Teacher works collaboratively with the families
Responds to caregiver and community concerns.
And Communicates and collaborates with the home and community for the benefit of learners
and... Recognizes obstacles to caregiver and community participation and conscientiously seeks solutions to overcome them.
And Promotes trust and understanding throughout the learning community
Teachers align their instruction with DAP Curriculum
__Demonstrates an awareness of the developmentally appropriate curriculum and references it in the preparation of lesson plans. 􀂅 Integrates literacy instruction and/or literacy strategies within the content areas
and... 􀂅 Understands the developmentally appropriate curriculum, uses it in preparation of lesson plans, and applies strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant. 􀂅 Integrates effective literacy instruction throughout the curriculum and as appropriate in the content area
and... 􀂅 Develops and applies strategies based on the developmentally appropriate curriculum standards developed by professional organizations to make the curriculum balanced, rigorous and relevant. 􀂅 Evaluates and reflects upon the effectiveness of literacy instruction and as appropriate in the content areas.
And Assists colleagues in applying such strategies in their learning environments. 􀂅 Makes necessary changes to instructional practice to improve learner growth.
Ready to start work according to schedule (includes break time, I count the gray area)
Late for work 3 or more times
Late for work 2 to 3 times
Ready to start work prior to schedule. Late for work 1 time
Ready to start work prior to schedule. (5 minutes early consistently)
Environment, materials reflect lesson/theme
Has a conventional furniture arrangement, hard-to-access materials, and few wall displays that support lesson/theme
Organizes furniture and materials to support the lesson, with only a few decorative displays that support lesson/theme.
Organizes classroom furniture, materials, and displays to support unit and lesson goals.
Artfully uses room arrangement, materials, and displays to maximize student learning of all material.
Recognizes Parents as a valuable resource. Looks towards the community as a viable resource
Does not reach out for extra support from parents or the community.
Asks parents to volunteer in the classroom and contribute extra resources
Reaches out to families and community agencies to bring in volunteers and additional resources.
Successfully enlists classroom volunteers and extra resources from homes and the community.
Has a working relationship with the director
Bottles up concerns or constantly complains, and is not open to help. And/or Is very defensive about criticism and resistant to changing classroom practice.
Is reluctant to share concerns with the administration or ask for help and/or Is somewhat defensive but does listen to feedback and suggestions.
Keeps the director informed about concerns and asks for help when it's needed and/or Listens thoughtfully to director's viewpoints and responds constructively to suggestions and criticism.
Informs the director of any concerns and reaches out for help and suggestions when needed. And/or Actively seeks out feedback and suggestions and uses them to improve performance.
Engages in play with children during indoor and outdoor play. (Outside of small groups)
Rarely is observed engaged in play with children Outside of small group time, and/or is often engaged in conversation with fellow teachers unrelated to work.
Engages in play with reminders, and/or is sometimes heard engaged in conversation with co-teachers, unrelated to children.
Engages in play with children. Stays focused on children most of the time
Is actively involved with children during play, motivating and supporting active learning and problem solving.

Teacher Comments:


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