Movie Review
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will write a summary of the movie. The summary should include a concise & thorough explanation of the main points of the movie and important details. Approximately 1 page written.
Summary includes a minimum of the main points of the movie.
Summary includes a majority of the main points of the movie and some important details.
Summary is concise and gives a thorough explanation of the main points of the movie. It includes pertinent details.
Summary is well written and detailed. It gives a concise & thorough explanation of the main points of the movie. It includes pertinent details.
Students will write what they liked or disliked about the movie & utilize details from the movie to support their reasoning.
Students write what they liked or disliked about the movie. Students do not support their reasoning with details from the movie.
Students write what they liked or disliked about the movie. Students utilize minimum facts from the movie to support their reasoning.
Students write what they liked or disliked about the movie. Students used facts from the film to support their reasoning.
Well written explanation of what student liked or disliked about the movie. Students utilize facts from the film to support their reasoning.
Students write whether or not they would recommend this movie to a friend. Students use details from the movie to support their reasoning.
Students write whether or not they would recommend the movie to a friend. Students do not support their reasoning with details from the movie.
Students write whether or not they would recommend the movie to a friend. Students utilize minimum facts from the movie to support their reasoning.
Students write whether or not they would recommend the movie to a friend. Students used facts from the film to support their reasoning.
Well written explanation of whether or not the student would recommend the movie to a friend. Students use facts from the movie to support their reasoning.
Movie reviews use proper conventions of English language: spelling and grammar and paragraph formation.
Movie reviews contain more than 4 errors in spelling, grammar or English language conventions.
Movie reviews contain many (3 or 4) errors in spelling, grammar or English language conventions.
Movie reviews contain minimal errors(one or two) in spelling, grammar and English language conventions.
Movie Reviews contain proper spelling and grammar. All sentences follow the usage of the English language.

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