Peer Activist Webquest Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
News Research/Interviews
Little or no research is made. Interviews are insufficient. Little or no links to current events are made.
Minimal research is completed. One or two interviews are completed effectively. Loose links are made to current events throughout the project.
Adequate research is completed. Several interviews are completed and useful. Some direct links to current events are made throughout the project.
Exceptional research is completed and evidenced. Multiple interviews are successfully completed and relevant. Many appropriate direct links are made to current events in all aspects of the project.
Campaign Poster
Minimal effort is evidenced. Poster is not clear or engaging. Absence of campaign slogan. No use of relevant graphics.
Slight effort is evidenced. Poster is minimally clear. Poster is not engaging. Absence of campaign slogan. Little use of relevant graphics.
Substantial effort is evidenced. Poster is clear and moderately engaging. Ineffective campaign slogan present. Some use of relevant graphics and images.
Strong effort is evidenced. Poster is very clear and highly engaging. Effective campaign slogan present. Excellent use of pertinent graphics and images.
Campaign Speech
Incomplete speech. Off topic or no relevant examples used. Poor delivery.
Minimally complete speech. Loosely on topic, one or two valid points made. Ineffective delivery.
Complete speech. Mostly on topic, with several valid points made. Adequate delivery including eye contact.
Complete speech. Entirely on topic with many valid points made with supporting details. Engaging delivery including eye contact.
Academic Authenticity/Teamwork
Poor teamwork demonstrated. Little or no links to the novel. Limited focus on the topic. Non-engaging overall campaign.
Mild teamwork demonstrated. One or two connections made to the literature. Loose focus on the topic or theme. Minimally engaging overall campaign.
Adequate teamwork demonstrated. Several successful connections made to the literature. Moderate focus on the topic or theme. Somewhat engaging overall campaign.
Superb teamwork demonstrated. Many successful connections made to the literature and current events. Concentrated focus on the topic or theme. Extremely engaging overall campaign.

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