Peer Evaluation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Presentation Skills (Eye Contact, Posture, and Voice Projection )
Student appears nervous, does not make eye contact with the audience and cannot be heard
Student makes little eye contact or appears uneasy and could not be heard by the entire audience
Student is confident and makes some eye contact with the audience and can be heard by most of the audience
Students appearance projects confident. Presenter makes eye contact and volume is sufficient so that the entire audience can hear
Content ( correct number of slides and information is correct and shows understanding of the topic)
Student has an insufficient number of slides, information is contradictory, and student can not elaborate on topic
Student has not completed the amount of slides necessary, is unsure of topic and some information is questionable
Student has correct amount of slides but is either unsure of topic or some information is questionable
Student has the correct number of slides,valid information and is knowledgeable on the assigned topic
Slide Content Each slide has an appropriate visual (picture),readable font, correct spelling, capitalization, and grammar
All slides have one or more of the following errors: missing visual, unreadable font and grammatical errors
Some slides have one or more of the following errors: missing visual, unreadable font and grammatical errors
Most of the slides include a visual representation, readable font, no grammar errors
All slides include a visual representation, readable font, no grammar errors
Length of presentation
Student was not prepared to do the presentation
Student presentation was within 3 minute (over or under) the allotted time limit
Student presentation was within 2 minute (over or under) the allotted time limit
Student presentation was within 1 minute (over or under) the allotted time limit
Students and parents will be able to understand the philosophy of the class and the teacher.
Class Profile has little knowledge about the teacher and their philosophy.
Class Profile has significant information about the teacher's philosophy but lacks information about the class.
Class Profile contains many of the important sections but is lacking in philosophy of the teacher.
Class Profile has all required sections and helps the reader get to know the teacher and their philosophy.
Students and parents will be able to easily understand all assignments and required dates.
All of the assignments are hard to understand.
Many of the assignments are hard to understand or the instructions are not clear.
Assignments for the most part are easy to understand, but not all assignments are clear.
Assignments are well written and easily to understand by both the students and the parents.
Class page is visually appealing and inviting.
The class page has no visual appeal at all and is lacking graphics, pictures etc.
Limited pictures and graphics are used on the class page and assignments.
Many pictures are included, but they lack relevance to the class page and or assignment.
The class page has numerous pictures, graphics and is very visually appealing and inviting.

Teacher Comments:


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