Personal Heroes
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Project was completed on time and according to directions.
Project was begun but little work completed by deadline and/or project was completed but not according to directions. Project was completed by deadline and all directions followed correctly.
Project was begun and some work completed by deadline and/or only some of the directions were followed.
Project was completed by deadline and most directions followed correctly.
Project was completed by deadline and all directions followed correctly.
Project shows creativity.
Project shows a lack of creativity. Almost all work and ideas were copied from others, with little or no original thought.
Project shows some creativity, but there are several examples of copying from others in place of original thought and work.
Project is creative and shows evidence of original thought and work. There is no evidence of outright copying from others.
Project is highly creative and shows a high level of originality in both thought and work.
Project shows symbolic evidence of student's reflections about people in their life whom they consider to be personal heroes.
Project shows little or no symbolic evidence of student's reflections concerning people in their life whom they consider to be personal heroes.
Project shows some symbolic reference to people in their life whom they consider to be personal heroes.
Project shows several clear symbols for people who are personal heroes in the student's life.
All images and designs in project relate to people who are personal heroes in the student's life. Symbols are logical and clearly communicate why person(s)chosen are personal heroes to student.
Project shows evidence of understanding and application of ideas and techniques found in the work of Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party".
Project shows little or no evidence of understanding or application of ideas and techniques found in "The Dinner Party".
Project shows some evidence of understanding and application of ideas and techniques found in The Dinner Party".
Project shows evidence of understanding and application of ideas and techniques found in "The Dinner Party".
Project shows clear and consistent evidence of understanding and application of ideas and techniques found in "The Dinner Party".
Project will show craftsmanship, with evidence of care and skill in the use of art materials and techniques. Work is neatly done.
Project shows little or no evidence of care taken or of skill in the use of art materials and techniques. Work is messy. Craftsmanship is poor
Project shows some evidence of care taken, but overall improvement is needed in the skill and use of art materials and techniques.
Project shows good craftsmanship. There is clear evidence of care and skill in the use of art materials and techniques
Project shows excellent craftsmanship. There is clear and consistent evidence of care and skill in the use of art materials and techniques

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