Personal Investigation Project Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will research an institution and synthesis the information to support a thesis.
Student showed no evidence of research in their paper.
Student showed moderate evidence of research in their paper, but it does not support their thesis statement.
Student showed evidence of research in their paper that supports their thesis statement. Student found works that assisted in their argument.
Student showed evidence of masterly research that supports and proves their thesis statement. The student showed masterly skill in synthesizing information and using it to assist in their argument.
Students will writer a 3 paper paper with a minimum of 3 research sources.
Student turned in less than one page with no attached Source Records.
Student turned in less than two pages, but not with the total required attached Source Records.
Student turned in three pages with the required attached Source Records.
Student surpassed the minimum requirements. The student turned in at minimum three pages with more than the required attached Source Records.
Conventions and Mechanics
Student as no sense of organization to the paper. There are more than 20 mechanical mistakes.
Student shows adequate sense of organization to the paper. There are about 10-15 mechanical mistakes.
Student shows skill in organization and writing style. There are not more than 5 mechanical mistakes.
Students shows masterly writing skills in their paper's organization and style. There are no mechanical mistakes.

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