Pet Proposal Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identify the food needs of the animal and identify how those needs will be met.
Student did not identify any food needs of the animal and did not identify how the needs would be met.
Student identified some of the food needs of the animal, but did not identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the food needs of the animal and did identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the food needs of the animal and identified multiple ways of meeting the needs.
Identify the shelter needs of the animal and identify how those needs will be met.
Student did not identify any shelter needs of the animal and did not identify how the needs would be met.
Student identified some of the shelter needs of the animal, but did not identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the shelter needs of the animal and did identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the shelter needs of the animal and identified multiple ways of meeting the needs.
Identify the water needs of the animal and identify how those needs will be met.
Student did not identify any water needs of the animal and did not identify how the needs would be met.
Student identified some of the water needs of the animal, but did not identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the water needs of the animal and did identify how those needs would be met.
Student identified the water needs of the animal and identified multiple ways of meeting the needs.
Identify one reason why you should own a pet and provide evidence for the reason.
Student did not provide a reason why he/she should own a pet and did not provide evidence.
Student did provide a reason why he/she should own a pet, but did not provide evidence for the reason.
Student provided a reason why he/she should own a pet, and provided evidence for the reason.
Student provided more than one reason for why he/she should own a pet and provided evidence for the reasons.
Presentation is 4 minutes in length and is organized and clear.
Presentation neither 4 minutes or organized and clear.
Presentation was either 4 minutes in length, or was organized and clear.
Presentation was 4 minutes in length and was organized and clear.
Presentation was 4 minutes in length, was organized and clear, and was free of mechanical errors.

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