Picktochart POSTER
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
COMMUNICATION: Using 21st Century Communication Tools
Shows an understanding of digital media and environments and how they can be used for communication, but rarely uses the tools for communication.
Develops messages to communicate using digital media and environments, but the messages lack clarity, focus, and specificity. Uses a format, level of formality, and style that is inappropriate based on the communication purpose and channel messages when communicating using 21st century tools.
Usually develops clear, focused, concise, and specific messages when communicating using digital media and environments (i.e., telecommunications and online resources for asynchronous and synchronous communication). Messages are usually crafted so that both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication. Usually uses a format, level of formality, and style that is appropriate based on the communication purpose and channel when communicating using 21st century tools.
Consistently develops a clear, focused, and specific message when communicating using 21st century tools; both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication. Consistently uses a format, level of formality, and style that is appropriate based on the communication purpose and channel when communicating using digital media and environments.
CREATIVITY:Idea Design and Refinement
Reviews ideas without evidence of categorization or prioritization; selects an idea, but is unable to provide a rationale for the decision.
Is beginning to demonstrate the ability to use organizational techniques such as categorization, prioritization, and classification to evaluate ideas; selects the best idea, but rationale for decision lacks clarity. Reviews feedback and translates feedback into �next steps,” but unusable use feedback to improve the quality of the idea.
Effectively uses organizational techniques such as categorization, prioritization, and classification to evaluate ideas; uses results to select the best idea and provides a clear rationale for decision. Reviews feedback, translates feedback into logical �next steps,” and makes revisions that improve the quality of the idea.
Sorts, arranges, categorizes, and prioritizes ideas in ways that turn options into creatively productive outcomes. Makes revisions that significantly improve the quality of ideas.
CRITICAL THINKING: Interpretation and Analysis
Explains point of view; is building a foundation to explain the difference between their point of view and that of sources. Shows understanding of the components of an argument; is building a foundation to provide a basic assessment of the argument and claims presented by sources.
Explains the difference between their point of view and that of sources, but explanation is somewhat unclear. Provides a basic assessment of the argument and claims presented by sources, but is unable to assess whether the reasoning is sound, if the evidence is helpful to the argument, or if a sufficient amount of evidence is provided.
Clearly explains the difference between his/her point of view and that of sources. Is laying the foundation to thoroughly and accurately assess and describe arguments and claims provided by sources. Assesses whether the reasoning is sound, if the evidence is helpful to the argument, and if a sufficient amount of evidence is provided.
Shows openness or ability to look at information from different viewpoints, even viewpoints that challenge his/her point of view. Thoroughly and accurately assesses and describes arguments and claims provided by sources. Assesses whether the reasoning is sound, if the evidence is helpful to the argument, and if a sufficient amount of evidence is provided; identifies false statements.
No"errors"in"spelling," punctuation"or"grammar." Student"uses"precise" language"to"convey" message"in"a"concise" manner
Very"few"errors"in"spelling," punctuation"or"grammar." Student"uses"appropriate" vocabulary"to"convey" message"in"a"concise" manner.
More"than"a"few"errors"in" spelling,"punctuation"or" grammar."Language"lacks" clarity"at"times.
Several"errors"in"spelling," punctuation"or"grammar." Meaning"is"unclear"due"to" word"choice.
Views the experience of others but does so through one��s own cultural worldview and/or cannot justify proposed actions. Demonstrates surface understanding of the complexity of concepts important to members of another culture (e.g. environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic relations) and/or is unable to evaluate, create, or hypothesize.
Identifies components of other cultural perspectives but sometimes responds with only one worldview to justify proposed actions. Demonstrates partial understanding of the complexity of concepts important to members of another culture (e.g. environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic relations) and/or struggles to evaluate, create, or hypothesize.
Adopts intellectual and emotional dimensions of more than one worldview and consistently uses more than one worldview to justify proposed actions. Demonstrates adequate understanding of the complexity of concepts important to members of another culture (e.g. environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic relations) in order to evaluate, create, or hypothesize.
Interprets intercultural experience from the perspectives of multiple worldviews and demonstrates ability to justify and defend proposed actions. Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of concepts important to members of another culture (e.g. environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic relations) in order to evaluate, create, or hypothesize.

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