Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Engage: Student participates in classroom discussion.
Neither student, nor group participate in classroom discussion.
Student does not participate in classroom discussion, but the group the student is in adds valuable information to classroom discussion.
Student participates in classroom discussion by making one comment or answering one question.
Student participates in classroom discussion by making more than one comment or answering more than one question.
Explore: Student participates in physical experiment, by completing a group role.
Student performs none of the duties of their group role, and demonstrates an unacceptable team attitude.
Student performs some of the duties of their group role, and demonstrates a poor team attitude.
Student performs most of the duties of their group role, and demonstrates acceptable team attitude.
Student fully performs the duties of their group role, and demonstrates an excellent team attitude.
Explain: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the lesson vocabulary, by explaining each definition in their own words.
Student accurately describes no vocabulary in their own words, or using textbook definitions.
Student accurately describes one vocabulary in their own words, or describes all vocabulary using textbook definitions
Student accurately describes some vocabulary in their own words, or describes some vocabulary using textbook definitions.
Student accurately describes all vocabulary in their own words.
Extension: Student accurately records information into their science notebook.
Student accurately records less than 50% of the information included on the handout into their science notebook.
Student accurately records more than 50% of the information included on the handout into their science notebook.
Student accurately records more than 75% of the information included on the handout into their science notebook.
Students accurately record all information included on the handout into their science notebook.
Evaluation: Student accurately summarizes the lesson in their own word.
Student does not turn in a summary.
Student accurately summarizes some of the lesson in their own words.
Student accurately summarizes most of the lesson in their own words.
Student accurately summarizes all the lesson in their own words.

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