Transition to Success
Positive Direction Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Takes a break when needed.
When asked to take a break. When shown where to take a break. Given a break card.
When feeling a need for a break, identifies break area and goes there. Displays break card when on break.
When beginning to feel the need for a break, takes card and goes to quiet break area. Returns to task/discussion when approached later.
When beginning to feel the need for a break, takes card and goes to quiet break area. Returns to task/discussion when set timer goes off.
Uses materials to be clear when communicating with others. (Technology, pictures, break card, her schedule, notes)
Uses materials with coaching, her meaning/message may/may not be understood. Engages with coaching/attends to modeling of materials use.
Uses materials successfully to clarify her meaning/message with coaching.
Uses materials successfully to clarify her meaning/message, or to convey information to people in a new setting/community setting. (With some support)
Packs/requests materials needed to augment her communication in case she needs it in different setting. Initiates using items to augment her communication
Engages in communication to settle a difference in expectations (activity, staffing, time) Negotiating
Able to identify the topic of the difference without becoming upset, using materials if needed.
Able to use materials to communicate reciprocally to identify a difference.
Uses materials to supplement communication, makes a statement, listens to another side, remains calm during exchange.
Settles a difference, and/or gains understanding of a difference of her expectations and others', using materials to supplement her communication. Settles the difference.
Identifies materials (low or high tech) that help her clearly communicate With others.
Accepts some new materials that support her verbal communication (symbols, pictures, high tech, etc.)
Uses materials in one setting.
Uses materials in more than one setting.
Identifies a setting where materials will help her to be a more effective communicator. Takes With her.

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